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Current publications of the Chair of Algorithms and Data Structures

Years: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009


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    • Bast H, Brosi P
      Large-Scale Generation of Transit Maps from OpenStreetMap Data
      2024 The Cartographic Journal


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    • Bast H, Brosi P, Kalmbach J, Lehmann A
      Efficient Interactive Visualization of Very Large Geospatial Query Results
      2023 SIGSPATIAL
    • Bast H, Hertel M, Prange N
      ELEVANT: A Fully Automatic Fine-Grained Entity Linking Evaluation and Analysis Tool


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    • Brosi P
      A Toolchain for Generating Transit Maps from Schedule Data
      2022 Schematic Mapping Workshop 2022
    • Bast H, Kalmbach J, Klumpp T, Kramer F, Schnelle N
      Efficient and Effective SPARQL Autocompletion on Very Large Knowledge Graphs


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    • Bast H, Brosi P, Kalmbach J, Lehmann A
      An Efficient RDF Converter and SPARQL Endpoint for the Complete OpenStreetMap Data
      2021 SIGSPATIAL
    • Bast H, Hertel M, Mostafa M. Mohamed
      Tokenization Repair in the Presence of Spelling Errors
      2021 CoNLL
    • Bast H, Brosi P, Storandt S
      Metro Maps on Flexible Base Grids
      2021 17th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD '21)
    • Bast H, Kalmbach J, Klumpp T, Kramer F, Schnelle N
      Efficient SPARQL Autocompletion via SPARQL
      2021 arXiv


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    • Bast H, Brosi P, Näther M
      Similarity Classification of Public Transit Stations
      2020 arXiv
    • Bast H, Brosi P, Näther M
      staty: Quality Assurance for Public Transit Stations in OpenStreetMap
      2020 Sigspatial
    • Bast H, Hertel M, Mostafa M
      Tokenization Repair in the Presence of Spelling Errors

      2020 arXiv
    • Bast H, Brosi P, Storandt S
      Metro Maps on Octilinear Grid Graphs
      2020 EuroVis Eurographics Conference on Visualization, volume: 39, issue: 3


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    • Bast H, Brosi P, Storandt S
      Efficient Generation of Geographically Accurate Transit Maps
      2019 ACM


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    • Bast H, Brosi P, Storandt S
      Efficient Generation of Geographically Accurate Transit Maps
      2018 SIGSPATIAL
    • Bast H, Brosi P
      Sparse Map-Matching in Public Transit Networks with Turn Restrictions
      2018 SIGSPATIAL
    • Bast H, Schnelle N
      Efficient and Convenient SPARQL+Text Search: A Quick Survey
      2018 Reasoning Web International Summer School 2018 Springer, Cham, pages: 26 - 34
    • Bast H, Azar Y, Herman G
      26st European Symposium on Algorithms - LIPIcs
      , volume: 112, 2018
    • Bast H, Buchhold B, Haussmann E
      A Quality Evaluation of Combined Search on a Knowledge Base and Text
      2018 Springer, pages: 19 - 26


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    • Bast H, Buchhold B
      QLever: A Query Engine for Eff€icient SPARQL+Text Search
      2017 CIKM
    • Daniel Bahrdt, Rick Gelhausen, Stefan Funke, Sabine Storandt
      Searching OSM Planet with Context-Aware Spatial Relations
      2017 ACM SIGSPATIAL Sigspatial, volume: 1
    • Bast H, Brosi P, Storandt S
      Efficient Generation of Geographically Accurate Transit Maps
    • Bast H, Korzen C
      A Benchmark and Evaluation for Text Extraction from PDF
    • Bast H, Buchhold B, Haussmann E, Heindorf S, Potthast M
      WDSM Cup 2017: Vandalism Detection and Triple Scoring
    • Bast H, Buchhold B, Haussmann E
      A Quality Evaluation of Combined Search on a Knowledge Base and Text
      2017 Künstliche Intelligenz
    • Bast H, Buchhold B, Haussmann E
      Overview of the Triple Scoring Task at the WSDM Cup 2017
    • Haussmann E
      Towards Precise and Convenient Semantic Search on Text and Knowledge Bases


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    • Bast H, Buchhold B, Haussmann E
      Semantic Search on Text and Knowledge Bases
    • Bast H, Storandt S, Hertel M
      Scalable Transfer Patterns
      2016 ALENEX
    • Bast H, Delling D, Goldberg A, Müller-Hannemann M, Pajor T, Sanders P, Wagner D, Werneck R
      Route Planning in Transportation Networks
      In: Algorithm Engineering
      2016, Springer, Lasse Kliemann, Peter Sanders, pages: 19 - 80, Lasse Kliemann, Peter Sanders, ISBN: 978-3-319-49486-9


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    • Funke S, Storandt S
      Provable Efficiency of Contraction Hierarchies with Randomized Preprocessing
      2015 ISAAC
    • Storandt S
      Approximation Algorithms in the Successive Hitting Set Model
      2015 ISAAC
    • Bast H, Storandt S, Weidner S
      Fine-Grained Population Estimation
      2015 GIS
    • Storandt S, Funke S
      Personalized Route Planning in Road Networks
      2015 GIS
    • Bast H, Haussmann E
      More Accurate Question Answering on Freebase
      2015 CIKM
    • Storandt S, Funke S, Schirrmeister R
      Automatic Extrapolation of Missing Road Network Data in OpenStreetMap
      2015 MUD@ICML
    • Bast H, Buchhold B, Haussmann E
      Relevance Scores for Triples from Type-Like Relations
      2015 SIGIR .
    • Funke S, Schirrmeister R, Skilevic S, Storandt S
      Compass-Based Navigation in Street Networks
      2015 W2GIS
    • Funke S, Nusser A, Storandt S
      On k-Path Covers and their applications
      2015 Vldb J
    • Storandt S, Funke S, Nusser A
      Placement of Loading Stations for Electric Vehicles: No Detours Necessary!
      2015 Journal of Artificial Intelligence, issue: 08
    • Storandt S
      Route Planning for Electric Vehicles: Taking Energy Efficiency, Distance, and Reloading Opportunities into Account
      2015 Lecture Notes in Informatics


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    • Haussmann E
      An Ensemble for Query Intent Detection
      2014 CKIM CUP
    • Bast H, Bäurle F, Buchhold B, Haussmann E
      Easy Access to the Freebase Dataset
      2014 WWW, pages: 95 - 98
    • Bast H, Celikik M
      Efficient Index-Based Snippet Generation
      2014 Acm T Inform Syst, volume: 32, issue: 2, supplement: 6, pages: 1 - 24
    • Bast H, Storandt S
      Flow-Based Guidebook Routing
      2014 ALENEX
    • Bast H, Sternisko J, Storandt S
      ForestMaps: A Computational Model and Visualization for Forest Utilization
      2014 W2GIS
    • Bast H, Brosi P, Storandt S
      Frequency-Based Search for Public Transit
      2014 SIGSPATIAL
    • Bast H, Haussmann E
      More Informative Open Information Extraction via Simple Inference
      2014 ECIR
    • Bast H, Brosi P, Storandt S
      Real-Time Movement Visualization of Public Transit Data
      2014 SIGSPATIAL
    • Bast H, Bäurle F, Buchhold B, Haussmann E
      Semantic full-text search with broccoli
      2014 SIGIR, pages: 1265 - 1266
    • Bast H, Brosi P, Storandt S
      TRAVIC: A Visualization Client for Public Transit Data
      2014 SIGSPATIAL


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    • Bast H
      Algorithmic Problems in Semantic Search
      2013 ESA
    • Bast H, Buchhold B
      An Index for Efficient Semantic Full-Text Search
      2013 CIKM
    • Storandt S
      Contraction Hierarchies on Grid Graphs
      2013 KI
    • Schnelle N, Funke S, Storandt S
      DORC: Distributed Online Route Computation – Higher Throughput, more Privacy
      2013 PerCOM
    • Bast H, Sternisko J, Storandt S
      Delay-Robustness of Transfer Patterns in Public Transportation Route Planning
      2013 ATMOS
    • Bast H, Celikik M
      Efficient fuzzy search in large text collections
      2013 Acm T Inform Syst, volume: 31, issue: 2
    • Storandt S, Funke S
      Enabling Emobility: Facility Location for Battery Loading Stations
      2013 AAAI
    • Bast H, Haussmann E
      Open Information Extraction via Contextual Sentence Decomposition
      2013 ICSC
    • Funke S, Storandt S
      Polynomial-time Construction of Contraction Hierarchies for Multi-criteria Objectives
      2013 ALENEX
    • Bast H, Brodesser M, Storandt S
      Result Diversity for Multi-Modal Route Planning
      2013 ATMOS
    • Bast H
      Semantische Suche
      2013 Informatik Spektrum (INSK), volume: 36, issue: 2, pages: 136 - 143
    • Bast H, Korzen C
      The Icecite Research Paper Management System
      2013 WISE, volume: 8181, pages: 396 - 409


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    • Bast H, Bäurle F, Buchhold B, Haussmann E
      A Case for Semantic Full-Text Search
      2012 SIGIR-JIWES
    • Bast Hannah, Bäurle Florian, Buchhold Björn, Haussmann Elmar
      Broccoli: Semantic Full-Text Search at your Fingertips
      2012 CoRR, volume: abs/1207.2615
    • Celikik M
      Efficient Error-Tolerant Search on Large Text Collections
    • Aslam Faisal, Baig Ghufran, Qureshi Mubashir, Uzmi Zartash, Fennell Luminous, Thiemann Peter, Schindelhauer Christian, Haussmann Elmar
      Rethinking Java call stack design for tiny embedded devices
      2012 LCTES, pages: 1 - 10


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