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Elmar Haussmann

Elmar Haussmann



Gebäude, Raum 51, 02-29
+49 761 203-67438 (Tel)
+49 761 203-8162 (Fax)







I am a PhD student at the department of computer science of the University of Freiburg at the Chair of Algorithms and Data Structures. Before I started my PhD at the University of Freiburg I worked at IBM Research & Development for several years. In my spare time I studied at the University of Freiburg and received my Master's Degree in computer science.

Our team at the chair of Algorithms and Data Structures is building a semantic full-text search engine that allows combining full-text search with structured information from ontologies. In this context my main interests are the natural language processing required and the efficient processing of queries. In general, I am also interested in machine learning as well as (of course) algorithms and data structures.


Here is a list of lectures I assisted with:

  • Seminar Efficient Natural Language Processing (Winter Term 2011/2012) (Course Page


Here is my current list of publications:

  • Hannah Bast, Florian Bäurle, Björn Buchhold, Elmar Haussmann (names in alphabetical order): Broccoli: Semantic Full-Text Search at your Fingertips. CoRR arXiv:1207.2615v1, last modified on July 10, 2012 at 23:30pm. [ pdf ]
  • Elmar Haussmann, Contextual Sentence Decomposition with Applications to Semantic Full-Text Search, Master Thesis, July 2011. [ pdf ]


In my free time you can find me on my snowboard or on my mountainbike (if there is not enough snow).

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