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Hannah Bast


Hannah Bast 17Jul12


Georges-Köhler-Allee 51
79110 Freiburg im Breisgau
Gebäude, Raum 051 02 028
+49 761 203-8163 (Tel)
+49 761 203-8162 (Fax)


Semester: Dienstag, 22 - 23 Uhr
Vorlesungsfreie Zeit: Dienstag, 22 - 23 Uhr




I am a full professor at the department of computer science of the University of Freiburg, and head of the Chair of Algorithms and Data Structures. On the navigation panel on the left, you find my list of publications and a short CV.

My general research interest is aptly described by the words "applied algorithmics", which are explained on the entry page of our chair. Specific topics I am currently interested in and actively researching are: all aspects of information retrieval (index building, query processing, user interfaces, whole information systems), route planning algorithms, and the modelling of bodily processes via regulatory circuits.

Try our latest demos for semantic search.

All of my lectures are recorded (audio + video + slides). Here are two recent recordings:

Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, WS 2012/2013, Vorlesung 3 (in German)

Information Retrieval, WS 2012/2013, Lecture 9 (in English)

Overview over all lectures

Here is my PhD thesis, please feel free to check for plagiarism.


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