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Bachelor's and Master's Theses

Master's Theses

Years: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
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    • Armin Saur
      Graph Neural Networks for Electrical Grid State Estimation  Presentation


    • Sambhav Sandeep Shah
      Evaluation of Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Algorithms on Industrial Load Profiles  Presentation
    • Muhammad Moeez Malik
      Extraction of Solar Cell Data from PDF Datasheets  Presentation
    • Rachana Niranjan Murthy
      Fine-tuning NER models for Information Retrieval in the Materials Fatigue domain
    • Alharjas Algdairy
      Scriburg: A Configurable Preferential Web Search Engine  Presentation


    • Iradj Solouk
      Conversion of OSM data to RDF Data and the use of Simplified Geometries when computing Spatial Relations  Presentation
    • Rohit Kerekoppa Ramesha
      Detection Of High Energy Consuming Appliances’ Load Profiles Using Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring  Presentation
    • Sneha Senthil
      Energy Price Forecasting with Uncertainty Estimation  Presentation
    • Amund Faller Raheim
      Joint Entity Linking with BERT  Presentation
    • Sebastian Walter
      Transformers and Graph Neural Networks for Spell Checking  Presentation
    • Tanyu Tanev
      Two-step OCR Post-correction with BERT and Neural Machine Translation models  Presentation


    • Axel Lehmann
      Creating a RDF Knowledgebase from OpenStreetMap Data  Presentation
    • Johannes Kalmbach
      Effcient SPARQL Autocompletion on Large Knowledge Bases  Presentation
    • Lukas Gebhard
      Expansion Planning of Low-Voltage Grids Using Ant Colony Optimization  Presentation
    • Yi-Chun Lin
      Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation with Wikidata on Arbitrary English Text  Presentation
    • Thomas Götte
      Simple Question Answering over Wikidata  Presentation


    • Armando Miguel Garcia
      Conception, Implementation and Evaluation of the Safety-Critical Application „Intersection Movement Assist (IMA)” Based on Simulation and C-V2X Experimental Vehicles  Presentation
    • Engy Nasr
      Evaluation of Automatic Ontology Matching for Materials Sciences and Engineering  Presentation


    • Ibrahim Alshibani
      A Cryptocurrency Evaluation and Trading System  Presentation
    • Nishat Fariha Rimi
      Comparative Study of Forecasting Algorithms for Energy Data  Presentation
    • Sameed Hayat
      De-Identification of free text  Presentation
    • Muhammad Hamiz Ahmed
      Meta Data Inference on Building Sensors Data  Presentation
    • Matthias Hertel
      Neural Language Models for Spelling Correction  Presentation
    • Theresa Klumpp
      Neural Word Embeddings as Matrix Factorization  Presentation
    • Omar Kassem
      Predicting Personalities through Multimodal Signals  Presentation
    • Natalie Prange
      Question Auto-Completion using a Typed LSTM Language Model  Presentation
    • Tobias Matysiak
      Tabular Information Extraction  Presentation


    • Mostafa M. Mohamed
      Automatic Correction of Misaligned Spaces and Typos Using Deep Learning  Presentation
    • Bhashitha Gamage
      Automatic Generation of Frequency Maps for Public Transit Networks  Presentation
    • Sumitra Magdalin Corraya
      Dehyphenation of Words and Guessing Ligatures  Presentation
    • Mohammad Mahadi Hasan
      Efficient Database Model to Represent Numerical Research Data of Material Flow Analysis  Presentation
    • Philip Schledermann
      Knowledgebase construction of genetic variants in literature  Presentation
    • Daniel Tischner
      Multi-Modal Route Planning in Road and Transit Networks  Presentation


    • Johannes Güttler
      Semantische Personensuche auf Hochschulwebsites  Presentation


    • Tobias Sommer
      Movie Search - Building semantic search queries with suggestions  Presentation


    • Max Lotstein
      Mitigating Feature Exclusion to Improve Hypernymy Recognition  Presentation
    • Tobias Faaß
      Ontology-Based Route Queries with Time Windows  Presentation
    • Fabian Schillinger
      Strukturierte Extraktion von Text aus PDF  Presentation


    • Niklas Meinzer
      Dynamic Emergency Ambulance Fleet Allocation and Management  Presentation
    • Ragavan Natarajan
      Entity Disambiguation using Freebase and Wikipedia  Presentation
    • Patrick Brosi
      Real-Time Movement Visualization of Public Transit Data  Presentation
    • Eugen Sawin
      Semantic Search with Keyword Queries  Presentation


    • Cynthia Jimenez Cardenas
      Efficient Multi-modal Route Planning with Transfer Patterns  Presentation
    • Mirko Brodesser
      Multi-Modal Route Planning  Presentation
    • Jonas Sternisko
      On Compact Representation and Robustness of Transfer Patterns in Public Transportation Routing  Presentation


    • Ilinca Tudose
      Automatic Population of a Pharmaceutical Company Ontology  Presentation
    • Dirk Kienle
      Efficient Multi-Modal Route Planning  Presentation
    • Manuel Braun
      Multi-Modal Route Planning with Transfer Patterns  Presentation


    • Florian Bäurle
      A User Interface for Semantic Full Text Search  Presentation
    • Claudius Korzen
      Icecite: Ein System zur Verwaltung von Wissenschaftlichen Publikationen mit Automatischer Metadaten-Extraktion  Presentation


    • Elmar Haussmann
      Contextual Sentence Decomposition with Applications to Semantic Full-Text Search  Presentation
    • Björn Buchhold
      SUSI: Wikipedia Search Using Semantic Index Annotations  Presentation

    Bachelor's Theses

    Years: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010
    Icon: top back to the top of all theses


      • Rico Andris
        Automated standard compliance testing and visualization for the QLever SPARQL engine  Presentation
      • Nick Göckel
        Efficient Keyword Search For The QLever SPARQL Engine  Presentation
      • Simon Bärmann
        Polar - a Centralized Digital Participation Platform for Political Groups and Organizations.  Presentation


      • David Otte
        Improved Simple Question Answering over Wikidata  Presentation
      • Christina Davril
        Semantic SPARQL Templates  Presentation
      • Christoph Röhrl
        Vorhersage des Privatbesitzes von Straßen mit Hilfe von Machine Learning  Presentation
      • Hendrik Henselmann
        Web Visualization Of Geographic Data Implementing A Thin Client Architecture  Presentation
      • Julius Heinzinger
        pdf2gtfs: Timetable Extraction from PDF Files  Presentation
      • Leon Freist
        x-search: A C++ Library for Fast External String Search  Presentation


      • Urs Spiegelhalter
        Annotating OpenStreetMap data with elevation data  Presentation
      • Krisztina Agoston
        Context-based Sentence Segmentation for Irregular Domains  Presentation
      • Robin Textor-Falconi
        Efficient Export of SPARQL Query Results  Presentation
      • Benjamin Dietrich
        Efficient Wikipedia Entity Linking and Co-Reference Resolution in C++  Presentation
      • Ievgen Markhai
        Entwicklung einer „Package Information Tracker“-Webanwendung  Presentation
      • Metty Kapgen
        Generating Low-Voltage Grid Benchmarks with OpenStreetMap  Presentation
      • Robin Wu
        PublicTransitSnapper: Dynamic Map-Matching To Public Transit Vehicles  Presentation
      • Gerrit Freiwald
        PublicTransitSnapper: Map Matching Mobile Phones to Public Transit Vehicles in Real Time  Presentation
      • Julian Mundhahs
        Typesafe SPARQL Query Parsing mit ANTLR  Presentation


      • Denis Veil
        Efficient Presentation of GeoSPARQL-Results  Presentation
      • Jianlan Shao
        Metro-Map Styled River Maps  Presentation
      • Jonathan Zeller
        Planung von Mittelspannungsnetzen mithilfe eines Ameisenalgorithmus  Presentation
      • Michael Fleig
        Public Transit Map-Matching withGraphHopper  Presentation
      • Daniel Kemen
        QLever UI - Building an interactive SPARQL editor to explore knowledge bases  Presentation
      • Julian Bürklin
        QLever UI: A context-sensitive user interface for QLever  Presentation
      • Elias Kempf
        Segmentation of Layout-Based Documents  Presentation
      • Ziang Lu
        Spelling Correction and Autocompletion for Mobile Devices  Presentation


      • Florian Kramer
        Effcient Property Path Evaluation within the QLever Query Engine  Presentation
      • Nico Gräf
        Entwicklung eines positionsbezogenen Spiels als Web-App für Freiburg  Presentation
      • Johannes Burkhard Roland Herrmann
        Evaluation of Investment Strategies for Cryptocurrencies  Presentation


      • Tanyu Tanev
        Accurate Word Extraction from Documents with Complex Layouts  Presentation
      • Nishat Fariha Rimi
        Comparative Study of Forecasting Algorithms for Energy Data  Presentation
      • Anushe Glushik
        Context Tracking for Question Answering with Aqqu  Presentation
      • Patrick Bumüller
        Finding Names on University Web Pages  Presentation
      • Mari Sverresdatter Hernaes
        Improved Dehyphenation of Line Breaks for PDF Text Extraction  Presentation
      • Leo Zeches
        Merging of Overlapping GTFS Feeds  Presentation
      • Felix Jablonski
        NEDard: Using Multi-Sense Embeddings for Named Entity Disambiguation  Presentation
      • Pascal Muckenhirn
        Präzise Erkennung von Sonderzeichen aus layout-basierten Textdokumenten am Beispiel der häufigsten europäischen Sonderzeichen  Presentation
      • Marc Ingold
        Researcher Homepage Identification and Name Extraction  Presentation
      • Katharina Matulla
        Wohin mit den Ladesäulen? Lösungsansätze zur optimalen Platzierung von Ladeinfrastruktur für Elektrofahrzeuge  Presentation


      • Olivier Puraye
        Dataset Format Analysis and Column Classification for CompleteSearch  Presentation
      • Johannes Kalmbach
        Efficient and Effective Search on Wikidata Using the QLever Engine  Presentation
      • Jasmin Denk
        Finding Semantic Units in Deep Language Models  Presentation
      • Patrick Bühler
        GTFS-Editor  Presentation
      • Samuel Roth
        Identification and Information Extraction on Scientists Homepages in the Common Crawl Web Archive  Presentation
      • Yannick Ries
        Programmierumgebung für den Informatikunterricht an Gymnasien  Presentation
      • Niklas Baumert
        Web-scalable Named-entity Recognition and Linking with a Wikipedia-backed Knowledge Base  Presentation
      • Michael Lubitz
        Who drives the market? Sentiment analysis of financial news posted on Reddit and Financial Times  Presentation


      • Jon Ezeiza Alvarez
        A review of word embedding and document similarity algorithms applied to academic text  Presentation
      • Jxxxxxx Pxxxxx
        Entwicklung einer vernetzten Bilderbuch-Anwendung für ältere Menschen mit geringer Medienkompetenz  Presentation
      • Daniel Bindemann
        Erweitern von Aqqu durch AutoSklearn  Presentation
      • Claudius Decker
        Name Entity Recognition  Presentation
      • Zhiwei Zhang
        Public-Transit Data Extraction from OpenStreetMap Data  Presentation
      • Phong Tran
        Semantischer Vergleich von Fahrplandaten  Presentation
      • Eneko Pinzolas Murua
        Word Embeddings in Search Engines, Quality Evaluation  Presentation


      • Maximilian Dippel
        "Erkennung von Textparagraphen in wissenschaftlichen Publikationen mit Techniken des maschinellen Lernens"  Presentation
      • Daniel Siebrecht
        Entwicklung eines Seniorenhandys auf der Basis einer Android App  Presentation
      • David Spisla
        Erkennung von Fließtext in PDF-Dokumenten  Presentation
      • Matthias Urban
        Extended Question Answering on Freebase  Presentation
      • Elke Schächtele
        Inhaltsbezogene Suche nach gleichartigen Klängen  Presentation
      • Natalie Prange
        Query Auto-Completion using an Abstract Language Model  Presentation


      • Rick Gelhausen
        Context-Aware Search Spaces for Queries with Spatial Relations  Presentation
      • Simon Weidner
        Fine-Grained Population Estimation  Presentation
      • Jerôme Meinke
        In-memory OLAP aggregation on GPUs using CUDA Dynamic Parallelism  Presentation
      • Vivica Wirth
        Kostenrundung von Kanten auf Pfaden  Presentation
      • Matthias Hertel
        Partitioning of Public Transit Networks  Presentation


      • Iradj Solouk
        A keyword query translator for Broccoli  Presentation
      • Manuel Ruder
        Entitätserkennung auf einem Web-Korpus  Presentation
      • Marcel Gangwisch
        Entwicklung von Algorithmen zur Berechnung der aerodynamischen Oberflächenrauigkeit für mikroskalige Strukturen  Presentation
      • Philipp Bausch
        Semantische Suche auf einem WEB-Korpus  Presentation
      • Christian Ehrenfeld
        Touchscreen-basierte Bedienkonzepte am Beispiel eines Bedienpanels für Frequenzumrichter  Presentation


      • Marius Stefan Bethge
        Detecting Duplicate Entities for Ontology Reconciliation  Presentation
      • Axel Lehmann
        Ein Kursverwaltungssystem für programmierlastige Lehrveranstaltungen  Presentation
      • Anton Stepan
        Entity Unification for Semantic Search  Presentation
      • Benjamin Malte Meier
        High-Level Feature Extraktion aus Bewegungsdaten von Parkinson-Patienten  Presentation


      • Christiane Schaffer
        Automatische Relationsextraktion für die semantische Volltextsuche  Presentation
      • Robin Schirrmeister
        Automatische Vorschläge zur Vervollständigung von Wikipedia Listen - Listenerkennung, Benutzeroberfläche  Presentation
      • Simon Skilevic
        Automatische Vorschläge zur Vervollständigung von Wikipedia-Listen - Evaluation,Anfragegenerierung  Presentation


      • Ina Baumgarten
        Semantische Suche - Entitätenerkennung  Presentation
      • Niklas Meinzer
        Semantische Suche in Zeitungstexten  Presentation


      • Mirko Brodesser
        Fast Approximate Title Matching  Presentation

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